Now we open the classroom doors! Stockholm 26/4

Welcome to our national conference on the most untapped opportunity for Swedish schools…to increase job satisfaction and improve student results via feedback to teachers.

The conference’s main focus is on how teachers, school leaders and principals work systematically to develop teaching. This is to help students achieve their goals. It will also cover how to work with collaborative learning and lesson observations. Furthermore, additional focus will be paid to practical research and how national initiatives support for systematic career development in schools.

You are not born to a good teacher. Good teachers develop over time on their own and together with collaboration. The teaching profession is an art that becomes better and better over time. It is about having a degree as a base and then: experience, feedback, training, observing other skilled teachers, absorbing new insights from research, experimenting, developing personal experience, further feedback and training.

In other words, systematic observations, documentation and shared reflection are building structures for developing learning which is one of the most important assignments for leadership.

But only 11 percent of teachers in primary and secondary schools receive feedback on their teaching according to a Novus 2016/2017 study. An OECD survey TALIS (by 2013), found that 32 percent of teachers in Sweden have never received any feedback on their teaching.

Target audience: teachers, principals, decision makers, researchers and authorities.

Location: Musical, Nybrokajen 11, Stockholm, i.e. the premises of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music where the Nobel Prize award ceremony took place in the early 1900’s.

Date: 26/4 kl. 08.30 – 17.00.

Panel participants: Johanna Jaara Åstrand, Lärarförbundet (Teacher Union), Åsa Fahlén, Lärarnas Riksförbund (Teacher Union) and Matz Nilsson, Skolledarförbundet (School Leadership Union) will all be participating in the conference.

Organisers: Foundation DIU, Future Learning and BravoLesson/Successful Schools

Contact persons: Peter Becker, DIU, contact number: 070-710 4453 and Mats Rosenkvist, Successful Schools, contact number: 070-957 4780

Fee: 3,950 kr including coffee, lunch and documentation (excluding VAT). Register two or more participants at the same time from the same school/organisation and the fee is reduced SEK 3,450 kr. Price from 180403 is SEK 4,950 and 4,450.

Limited number of seats available.

Read more about the conference and sign up your team here.

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