During BETT in London on January 23-26, we are happy to show BRAVOLesson and the following news and smart features.
Welcome to booth F60 which we share with our English partner Derventio Education.
NEW! BRAVOLesson Analytics – statistics module for municipalities and organisations
The analytics module that is standard inside BRAVOLesson is now available for municipalities and organizations with several school units. This means that you can generate statistics on how teaching is developing for a school, for several schools or for all schools.
NEW! BRAVOLesson App – for iOS and Android
In January, we release the BRAVOLesson App which can be downloaded for FREE from AppStore and Google Play.
With the app one can, among other things, easily upload filmed video sequences or images directly to your own Video and Media archive in BRAVOLesson.
NEW! Save lesson planning related to lesson observation
We have made improvements to what was previously called My Video Archive and renamed it My Video and Media Archive. Now one can easily connect the teacher’s lesson plan to the saved lesson observation.
NEW! Notifications via email
For those schools and municipalities that have school licenses and accounts for all teachers, one can now choose to turn on notifications via email. Then the teacher / user gets a message and a link to BRAVOLesson when a lesson observation or video observation about them has become:
– planned
– saved
– changed
SMART FEATURE! Compare your views of what quality in teaching is
We also want to point to a smart feature to improve teaching together. If two teachers visit a colleague’s lesson, they in BRAVOLesson can set up an observation form each and after the lesson compare how their experience from the lesson.
See you at BETT!

Online tools to improve teaching and learning