More schools and municipalities starts to focus on the quality of teaching in every classroom

More and more schools and municipalities are systematically focusing on the quality of teaching. Something that has probably never been more important than after three semesters with a pandemic and a learning debt.
When the new academic year starts, several new customers on all levels of education systematize their focus and internal work together with all teachers in the BRAVOLesson tool. Work based on evidence to reflect on questions like: how is the teaching carried out, what does it lead to, how can it be improved and does our focus lead to improved teaching and learning?
Municipalities and schools such as Norrköping, Oxelösund and Åmål as well as Thorén Business School in Malmö, Grimslövs Folk High School and the Olympica playschools have recently decided on BRAVOLesson at different levels. In addition, Ludvika municipality has now completed a procurement and renewed their license from 2018 until 2023. They will continue to develop their work with a focus on teaching and for that accounts in BRAVOLesson for all principals and teachers.
– Various surveys over the past ten years have shown that the Swedish school culture generally does not include looking at and evaluating the quality of teaching. We notice a change. This is completely logical because everyone in the global education community along with research agrees that it is the teaching that has the greatest impact on students’ learning. Since the start with BRAVOLesson 2017, interest and the number of customers have been growing for each academic year. During the spring, almost 20 schools in Iceland also chose our tool, says Mats Rosenkvist, founder of BRAVOLesson.

Online tools to improve teaching and learning