Meet us at BETT – 24-27 Januari 2018

Do you want to discuss how to improve teaching – lesson observations and collaborative learning? Meet BRAVOLesson at BETT in London. You will find us together with our partner Derventio Education at stand G:390.

Online tools to improve teaching and learning 


+46 (0)10 - 516 40 90

Flow chart for focus on better and better teaching

It is possible to improve both the teaching and the students’ results! Teaching can be improved… Focusing on what really happens in the classrooms is, among other things, what research has shown to be one of the characteristics of successful schools.

40 percent of all teachers in the OECD countries have never given or received any feedback (Source: OECD)

A systematic approach to lesson observations, collaborative learning and feedback to teachers is an almost untapped opportunity to improve student outcome in Sweden where only 11 percent of teachers in primary and secondary schools get feedback according to a survey carried out by Novus.

There is no reason to wait. Start NOW and harvest soon. Other schools, school districts and local authorities have already done so.

Download our flowchart to focus on better and better teaching. Share it with others and discuss.

Online tools to improve teaching and learning 


+46 (0)10 - 516 40 90

Lesson observations since 2010 has lead to improved learning outcome

Principle in office with schedule

Filipstad has been focused on systematic lesson observations since 2010. This is one of five clear success criteria for Filipstad’s school district improving learning outcome dramatically over the past years. The Principal Gun Palmkvist begins her work with planning for a new academic year with first putting her approximately 70 lesson observations into her calendar. Then she continues to plan all the other matters that needs to be organised for the new academic year. Look at this video (in Swedish).

Online tools to improve teaching and learning 


+46 (0)10 - 516 40 90